Deputy Registrar Training

The Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk has a Deputy Voter Registrar Training program for organizations and individuals who want to learn how to register voters. Instructional topics include registering voters, assisting election officials with completing voter registration forms and understanding California Election Codes related to registration requirements.
Training is provided free of charge. Interested participants must be registered to vote prior to becoming a Deputy Registrar. Participants will receive “The Guide to Registering Voters” and a Deputy Registrar of Voters Certificate upon the successful completion of the hour-and-a-half training program.
Certification training sessions are held at the Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk's Norwalk office located at 12400 Imperial Hwy, Norwalk CA, 90650.
If you or your organization is interested in participating in this program, contact the Community & Voter Outreach section by calling (562) 345-8364.