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Schedule Of Election Fees

Election Fees

Legal Authority References: Election Code (EC); Government Code (GC); California Administrative Code (CA); Los Angeles County Code (LAC); County Auditor-Controller File (CA-C); Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

Records / Services Fees

# Type of Service Fee Authority
1 Preparing copies of any record, proceeding or paper by photographic process. $.46

2.32.050 LAC

26831 GC

2 Certifying as to copy of paper, record or proceeding on file, in addition to preparing or comparing $1.75 26833 GC
3 Searching records or files, per year $5.00 26854 GC
4 Campaign Statement Reports (Contributions and Expenditures)

$.10 per copy

$5.00 retrieval fee per request.

81008 GC
5 Economic Interest Statements (Financial Disclosure)

$.10 per copy

$5.00 retrieval fee per request.

81008 GC
6 Election Document Certification (Except Voter Affidavits) $1.75 per certified copy 26833 GC
7 Financing Statements (Search, Certificates and Copies)

$10.00 per certificate;

$1 first page;

$.50 each additional page;

$1 to certify

9407 UCC
8 Index to Voters (Street and Supplemental Indexes) $.50 per 1,000 names (candidates/committees);

19006 CA;

2184 EC; 6257,

26831 GC;

2.32.050 LAC;

4CF/250 CA-C

Voted and Non-Voted Index

$.10 per copy;

$1.60 handling fee per request (General Public)

9 Maps 11" x 17" District - Congressional, State Senate, Assembly, Supervisorial and Board of Equalization

$.03 per map;

$1.43 handling per request

6527, 26831 GC;

2.32.050 LAC


Customized district maps Supervisorial and Board of Equalization

Precinct Map on Plotter Paper (11" X 17")

$11.00 Per Page. (Handling Fee Included in Cost)

Precinct Map on Standard Paper (11" X 17")


6257,26831 GC;

2.32.050 LAC;4CF/250 CA-C

Polling Place Maps (small) $17.00
Polling Place Maps (large) $26.00
10 Petition Signature Checking (Local Government Agency)

$.97 General Fund;

$1.07 City and others per signature

22003,23524 EC
11 Photocopies (Miscellaneous) $0.46 LAC 2.32.050
12 Precincting Books $34.00 per set 4CF/250 CA-C
13 Precincting Rosters 5.50 per roster or $.22 per page (includes handling)

6257, 26831 GC;

2.32.130 LAC;


14 Telefaxing Documents with a set fee and handling fee are faxed at the established rate. "No Fee Set" the rate is

$.04 per page;

$1.43 handling fee

6257, 26831 GC;

2.32.050 LAC;


15 Statement of Votes Cast (SVC) $.37 per page (includes handling)

6257, 26831 GC;

2.32.050 LAC;


16 Voter Registration, No fee to register to vote NO FEE 2121 EC
Affidavits and Transcripts(Abstracts)

$1.50 for copy of own registration;

$6.75 per copy of all others

2167 EC
Voter Registration Search $5.00 per name for each year of records searched 26854 GC
17 Vote Recorders

Private Org. $2 per day;

$40 deposit per recorder

Board of Supervisors Letter
Voting Booths, Ballot Boxes Private Org. $1 per day per item Board of Supervisors Letter
18 Customized District/Precinct Map (Acetate Overlay) $48 2.32.320 LAC
19 Voter Election Files on CD only

$54 1st File

$39 Add. File

$146 LA County Voter File

2.32.260 LAC
20 Precinct/District Maps on 35 mm Microfilm $246 2.32.300 LAC
21 Precinct Maps on Plotter Paper $11 2.32.160 LAC
22 Precinct Maps on CD $16 2.32.160 LAC
23 Precinct Maps on DVD $18 2.32.160 LAC
24 Optional shipping & handling fee for CD or DVD $6 2.32.160 LAC

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